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  • Code:005-4
  • Retail Price:$202
  • Wholesale 5i:$180
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  • Free Shipping World Wide
  • Click the pictures to enlarge

    French Flirt deliberately puts the emphasis on a French-style rendezvous
    The playful Parisian woman steps out with a bag that imitates the mystery of an eternally smiling face and the delightful sound of sparkling laughter with the clicking of its buckles.

    - A sentiment of impressible lightness.
    - Made of Calfskin,100% real Leather

    Size: 14.2"  x 4.7" x 11.8" (L36 x W12 x H30)
    This Lancel French Flirt Grained Leather Handbag comes with:Lancel dust bag

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